pasquale villari造句


  1. In 1902 Fisher Unvwin published a 2-volume translation ( " The Barbarian Invasions of Italy " ) by Linda Villari, the wife of Pasquale Villari.
  2. Over the years, Igino gravitated towards learning about art history and in 1886 attended lectures by Pasquale Villari and Alessandro D Ancona at the Istituto di Studi Superiori of Florence.
  3. This somewhat anachronistic image, fortified by much new scholarship, informed the major new biography by Pasquale Villari, who regarded Savonarola s preaching against Medici despotism as the model for the Italian struggle for liberty and national unification.
  4. Fortunato, along with other politician like Pasquale Villari, Francesco Saverio Nitti, Gaetano Salvemini formed a group of socio-political thinker called  meridionalisti (  southernists ), in order to solve the economic problems of southern Italy after the Italian unification.
  5. Between the second half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century, the prestigious lecturers who taught at Pisa included the lawyers Francesco Carrara and Francesco Buonamici; philologists Domenico Comparetti and Giovanni D'Ancona; historians Pasquale Villari, Gioacchino Volpe and Luigi Russo; philosopher Giovanni Gentile; economist Giuseppe Toniolo and mathematicians Ulisse Dini and Antonio Pacinotti.
  6. It's difficult to find pasquale villari in a sentence. 用pasquale villari造句挺难的
  7. In 1901 the editor Alberto Bergamini created the " la Terza Pagina " ( " Third Page " ), featuring essays in literature, philosophy, criticism, the arts, and politics by eminent intellectuals, including Alessandro D'Ancona, Giuseppe Chiarini, Domenico Gnoli, Raffaele De Cesare, Antonio Fogazzaro, Luigi Capuana, Luigi Pirandello, Cesare De Lollis, Attilio Momigliano, Salvatore Di Giacomo, Alfredo Panzini, Pasquale Villari and Benedetto Croce.


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